July 26, 2011

Veet Sensitive Skin Hair Removal Cream

I have been using this product for a long time already that I've lost track of how many tubes I had consumed. I am balbon and I prefer to be hair-less as skin appears neater and smoother looking that way. Veet hair removal cream has three variants and I use the one for sensitive skin since I have that skin type. The 100ml tube lasts me for a month and I use it once a week for my arms and legs. I apply it first on my arms and then on my legs and leave it on for about 8 minutes then take the spatula that comes with it to remove the cream.  Veet for sensitive skin can be left on for a maximum of 10 minutes. The 100ml tube costs Php224.75 while the trial sized one costs Php99 and has 25ml. If you're new to the product I suggest picking up the 25ml tube to test whether you like the product or not but if you're already a regular user of veet then buying the regular sized product is a much wiser option as it is more cost effective.  With a little bit of math, it only cost around Php56 per usage to get rid of unwanted hair. That's pretty inexpensive IMO. Though it is made for sensitive skin I still get some red spots in my arms or legs after using the product however fret not as it disappears by itself after less than an hour. I suggest not using any scented lotion after using this as it may irritate the skin. I love that this doesn't give me chicken skin or ingrown hairs. However, I find the scent is weird. It doesn't bother me much than before though because I've gotten used to it.


  1. You have some really good reviews here. Just followed your blog. :)

    - Cherie
